Entdecken Sie CoWelder per Video

Videos zum Einstieg

Tauchen Sie ein in unsere „Erste Schritte“-Serie, in der wir (fast) alles über den Einstieg in CoWelder erklären. Von der Einrichtung bis zur Fehlerbehandlung sind wir für Sie da.

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Getting Started with CoWelder: Arc On

Learn how to turn the arc on with the CoWelder from Migatronic.

YouTube Video

Getting Started with CoWelder: Weld Item

Learn how to add a weld seam and use functions such as Weaving, Offset and Tack.

YouTube Video

Getting Started with CoWelder: Weld Seam

Learn to set the parameters for your weld seam on the CoWelder from Migatronic.

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Andere Videos

Entdecken Sie Fälle und andere interessante Videos über CoWelder.

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Small-scale TIG production with collaborative robot

The CoWelder can now be configured with our PI 350 TIG machine. Complete with cold wire feeder, this is the best solution for semi-automated TIG welding in small-scale production.

YouTube Video

CoWelder TIG with cold wire feed in aluminium

Close up of CoWelder TIG with cold wire feed mount welding aluminium.

YouTube Video

CoWelder vs. Crossfit

Find out how much a welder and his CoWelder can get done in 3 minutes compared to a crossfit session. You might be surprised. The Migatronic CoWelder is the smallest automated welding solution on the market. It's intuitive and easy to program. This is smart welding.

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