Découvrez CoWelder en vidéo

Vidéos de démarrage

Plongez en profondeur dans notre série Mise en route où nous expliquons (presque) tout sur la mise en route de CoWelder. De la configuration à la gestion des erreurs, nous avons ce qu'il vous faut.

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YouTube video

Getting Started with CoWelder: TIG Assembly

Learn how to assemble the TIG CoWelder from Migatronic.

YouTube video

Getting Started with CoWelder: MIG CoWelder Assembly

Learn how to assemble the MIG CoWelder from Migatronic.

YouTube video

Getting Started with CoWelder: Secomea Box Setup

Learn how to set up the Secomea Box for your CoWelder from Migatronic.

La programmation

YouTube video

Getting Started with CoWelder: Startpoint

Learn how to set the startpoint with the CoWelder from Migatronic.

YouTube video

Getting Started with CoWelder: Airpoints

Learn how to set an Airpoint with the CoWelder from Migatronic.

YouTube video

Getting Started with CoWelder: Home Position

Learn to set Home Position using the CoWelder from Migatronic.

Résolution de problème

YouTube video

How to calibrate Tool Center Point on the CoWelder

Learn how to calibrate ToolCenterPoint on the CoWelder, to make sure it's accurate.

YouTube video

How to thread the cold wire feeder on CoWelder TIG

Wire getting stuck inside the hook, on the cold wire feeder? Here you can learn a trick to easily feed the wire through the hook on the cold wire feeder in 2 minutes flat.

YouTube video

Getting Started with CoWelder: Violation

Learn how to handle the Violation mode on the CoWelder from Migatronic.

Autres vidéos

Explorez des cas et d'autres vidéos intéressantes sur CoWelder.

YouTube video

The Operational Perspective – VM Tarm A/S

VM Tarm produces 250 customised tank trucks every year. The collaborative welding robot CoWelder from Migatronic made it possible to automate a small-batch production, lower the cost price and improve the quality.

YouTube video

Customised Tank Trucks at VM Tarm A/S

VM Tarm produces 250 customised tank trucks every year. The collaborative welding robot CoWelder from Migatronic made it possible to automate a small-batch production, lower the cost price and improve the quality.

YouTube video

Small-scale TIG production with collaborative robot

The CoWelder can now be configured with our PI 350 TIG machine. Complete with cold wire feeder, this is the best solution for semi-automated TIG welding in small-scale production.

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