Artikler om CoWelders værdi
CoWelder skaber værdi på mange måder. Her finder du publicerede artikler, om hvordan CoWelder specifikt kan gøre livet lettere for dig.
Unleash the Truth: Will Welders be Replaced by Cobots?
Welding is a skill that requires a lot of precision, strength, and concentration. It is no surprise that it has been an important part of many industries for decades. In recent years, however, robotics technology in manufacturing companies has been advancing rapidly. The new player in the field is collaborative…
CB vs. e-Series from Universal Robots for CoWelder: a Comparison
Find out which robot you need for your collaborative robot CoWelder. The CB-series and the e-series of robots from Universal Robots almost look the same, but they are quite different. You can choose the CB and the e-series for your CoWelder, but which one do you need? In this comparison,…
Improve the Working Environment with CoWelder
The CoWelder relieves the welders in your production and contributes to a better working environment. It carries out all the tiring, repetitive movements that cause muscle fatigue and physical strain. Moreover, welders avoid being exposed to direct radiation and welding fumes. The CoWelder also helps increase your welders’ motivation and job satisfaction…
What is a CoWelder?
The CoWelder is an easy-to-program welding robot, designed by Migatronic. We have combined the best and latest welding technology with the most innovative robot technology. CoWelder is based on the Universal Robots platform of collaborative robots and our high-end welding machines and welding technology. What is a collaborative robot? A…